Oct 11, 20152 min

Make Progress

Since I’ve started on this entrepreneurial journey, I’ve being exposed to whole new world. A world I had no knowledge about. I had no idea how hard you had to work when you’re in it. It’s not easy, it’s a tough process and it's hard going. There are highs and there are lows. The highs can be incredible and the lows, can just be so low you want to quit.

You constantly have to be upping your game.

There’s no rest, you have to be aware of what’s going on, all the time.

You need to be living in the present, but also looking to the future.

You need to be constantly learning, and constantly putting yourself in new and different situations that will be outside of your comfort zone.

Once you start to know more, you need to do more. You have to start putting what you're learning into practice. When you do this, you start doing better and you start making progress.

You can see progress being made, whether that’s in the numbers of unique visitors coming to your website, the number of new followers on twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

You have to be getting better or what’s the point?

I can see my business is growing and the Tough Girl Podcast is going from strength to strength. I continue to interview amazing women from around the world and I get to promote and share their story. I get to ask them the questions I want to ask!

I now have exposure on a TV Show! Who would have thought six months ago I would be on a women’s show talking about issues close to my heart.

I’m also working with an awesome sketch note artist called Lauren. Who’s going to be drawing out and sketch noteing each of the Tough Girl Podcast episodes. I’ll then be able to use this to promote not only the individual Tough Girl Podcast episodes but also the whole Tough Girl concept.

I can’t tell you all how excited I am about that. It’s fantastic to be making progress and to be moving in the right direction. It seems to be growing faster and faster as I’m getting busier and busier each week.

As you know my health hasn’t been the best over the past year and for me especially I have to ensure I keep the balance. I need to be careful with how I spend my time and who I spend my time with. I have to be on the top of my game to make sure I continue to make progress.

