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7 Self Confidence Building Tips

1. Study Confident People: A great way to achieve what you want in life is to find out how others have achieved it and then do the same things. Listen, learn and copy them.

2. Choose Your Influences: Flood your mind with the most inspiring and uplifting thoughts and ideas you can find. Read biographies of people who have done exceptional things, listen to inspiring podcasts and begin to filter out negative news stories and pessimistic view points.

3. Increasing Self Awareness and Positive Thinking: Be aware of your internal dialogue, what are you saying to yourself? Is it along the lines of; “I can’t do it” or “I am not good enough”? Low self confidence is often caused by negative thoughts running through our minds on an ongoing basis. Whenever you find yourself thinking negative thoughts force yourself to think of something more empowering. Instead of saying “I can’t do this”, say “I can do this”. A useful strategy you can try is to wear an elastic band around your wrist and whenever you have a negative thought, snap the elastic band, it will soon stop happening and will help to re-enforce positive thinking.

4. Set Yourself Meaningful Goals and Challenges: You need to get into the habit of setting and achieving small goals and challenges for yourself. Your self confidence will start to build as you gain additional knowledge and skills as you achieve your goals. Increasing your self confidence comes from real, solid achievements.

5. Body Language: The simple act of pulling your shoulders back and standing up straight gives other people the impression that you are a confident person - fake it, till you make it. Check out Amy Cuddy's excellent TED talk (Your body language shapes who you are).

6. Exercise: Regular exercise makes your heart and bones stronger, lowers your risk of chronic diseases, keeps your weight under control and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. While you are boosting your energy levels, oxygen capacity, muscle tone and general fitness, a side benefit is an increase in self confidence. Just the success of creating an exercise plan and sticking to it allows you to enjoy a sense of achievement.

7.Celebrate Your Successes: Write down a list of the best things you have achieved in your life and laminate them on a piece of paper and carry it around with you. Ask your friends and family what they think are your previous successes. Whenever you are feeling down and lacking in self confidence, look at this list, and it will give you a much needed confidence boost.

I hope you find these tips useful.

If you need help or support with your goals contact Caroline


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