In 2016 Sophie Rooney set off with the bold intention of becoming the first woman to run the length of Scandinavia. From Nordkapp (the northernmost point of mainland Europe) to the German border with Denmark (3000 km south) carrying everything she needed on her back.
Initially accompanied by a fellow trail runner, Sophie finds herself thrown into a solo adventure running through some of the most rugged scenery Europe has to offer.
Heading out to Norway, bears are top of Sophie’s worries. However, she is soon to find that these big grizzly creatures would be the least of her concerns.
In the first month alone having to battle extreme fatigue, dehydration, relentless bog, hunger and eventually illness, the odds are quickly stacked against her.
However, not willing to give in Sophie pushes on, often against the advice she has received from people back home. In doing so she finds herself on a journey of self-discovery which creates memories that will last a lifetime.
Listen to Sophie on the Tough Girl Podcast as she shares more about this incredible journey.
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Show notes
Her olympic dream
Growing up with 6 siblings
Starting swimming from a young age
Wanting to do everything properly
How her swimming evolved into kayaking
Being inspired to do a big running challenge!
How the run challenge evolved
Having 5 months to plan and prepare
Flying off on the 1st August
Having a good level of base fitness
What training looked like
Building up a kit list
Funding the trip
Deciding how to share her story
Getting into blogging
Struggling at the start
Being scared of being left on her own
Knowing that she could do it solo, but needing to be brave enough to make that decision
Deciding to switch to the road
Not feeling ready when starting the run
Dealing with the fears and how they never went away
Starting to get really really tired
Having to call a doctor
Carry on or go home?
Building her own self confidence
Daily routines while out running
Turning her blog posts into a book in 2019
Don’t over think things
Supporting Mimi Andersons’s run across the USA
Dealing with the disappointment of failure
Doing a relay race from Lands End to John O’Groats
Moving to the Lake District and plans for 2020
Social Media
Blog - DaringMightyThings.Blog Facebook @thesophierooney Instagram @rooneysophi Twitter @thesophierooney
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