Tomorrow’s Women Wirral (TWW) held a full day event on the 6th March 2015 for International Women’s’ day. Sarah came to our event and gave 2 very inspiring, motivational talks to a very full hall of women.
"Sarah engaged the women well involving room participation and interaction. Sarah’s talks definitely leave you with food for thought and a feeling of wanting to achieve and set goals. Sarah was professional and inspiring; Sarah took time to chat to the ladies individually and was professional, approachable, friendly and great advocate for women and for women to aspire."
Karen Horner-Operations Manager TWW
"To hold not one but two motivational talks with our women on International Women's Day was a big ask. I was not only inspired by the content but more importantly by the delivery of the talks. It is difficult to hold the attention of the majority of the women who attend TWW due to various reasons i.e ADHD, mental health etc so the fact you could hear a pin drop when Sarah was speaking is a mark of her ability to engage the listener."
Angela Murphy- Executive Director TWW
"Sarah delivered an impassioned, informative and educational session to the service users at Tomorrow's Women in celebration of International Women's Day 2015. She began by asking the question, 'Who here is a feminist?' Only a few hands went up. Sarah then went on to explain feminism as the fight for equality, equal rights and freedom; the freedom to wear or not wear make-up, to be exactly who we want to be without being constrained by inaccurate stereotypes of women from the past, which served only to exclude and control women from participating in important matters such as politics, and controlling their own bodies and destinies.
At the end of her talk, Sarah asked once more, 'Who here is a feminist?' There was a sea of hands in the air which confirmed how misunderstandings and misinformation about feminism had prevented many women from recognising that, they too were feminists."
Fran Healiss- TWW Key worker