Tough Girl EXTRA is an idea I had while out running Hadrian’s Wall with Emma Timmis. I was filming our run to create some short vlogs, but I also wanted to share our experience through the podcast.
The problem I have is, it takes me so much time to edit and to put together an episode that I would really struggle to put out extra content each week.
So instead what I’ve decided to do, is to record an episode but for it to be; raw, unedited and more like a conversation. This would then massively reduce my need to edit and I would still be able to put out good quality content.
So with that in mind. Myself and Emma recorded another Skype conversation to see what Emma had been up to since we last spoke.
You can listen to that episode now!
It was so much fun, I’ve decided to use the same format going forward to catch up with previous tough girls to see what they’ve been up to since we last spoke.
Episodes will be coming out on an adhoc basic - every Thursday at 7am UK time #ToughGirlThursday

The other day I caught up with Jo Bradshaw, who in March climbed Everest!!! Which is just awesome!! Her episode will be live on September 15th at 7 am UK time
I also want to speak with Amy Hughes who has just got a world record for running 520 miles on a treadmill in a week!! As well as Sophie Radcliffe from Challenge Sophie who has been all over the world, cycling, having adventures and doing her first Ted X talk.

The tough girls are smashing it and its fun to go back and revisit to see what everyone’s been up to!
This is a new style and new format for me - so I would love to know what you think. Please do comment below, send me an e-mail or let me know via twitter @_TOUGH_GIRL.
Many thanks again for all your support and I could not do this without you!!!