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What have been your toughest challenges to date and what have been some of the highlights?

All of the challenges have been tough at the time, because I was doing something new and different which I’d never done before.

Running my first London Marathon stands out as a highlight. I was a novice runner and new to the whole running thing and I didn’t really know what I’d let myself in for! I joined thousands of others at the start line; people of all ages, sizes and abilities. Who were all running for a reason, whether for themselves, for family, friends, or raising money for charity. Crowds of supporters lined the streets all the way from the start to the finish. The cheering, the clapping and the atmosphere was incredible and its a memory that sticks in my mind.

Since then, getting to see the sunrise from the top of Kilimanjaro, diving the Great Barrier Reef, jumping out of a plane at 14,000 ft, climbing a live Volcano in Chile, cycling down Death Road in Bolivia, and seeing Machu Picchu in Peru. I could keep going… there’s been so many highlights of the things I’ve done.

It’s not always about the places you visit or the things you do. Its the people you meet on the way who can have a profound effect on your life. I’ve made lifelong friends from travelling and my best memories are because of the people I’ve met on the way.


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