Guin was introduced to rowing by her sister at 19 whilst at Southampton University. In her early years Guin excelled in a variety of school sports, playing county hockey and athletics.
During this podcast we learn more about the set backs that Guin faced trying to follower her dream, from being told she would never make it as a rower, to being so broke she was sleeping on changing room floors. This is a story of courage and conviction and how by work hard, using everything you have you can achieve your goals.
Guin provides lots of top tips to help you face your own challenges, and also shares more knowledge on how you can take up rowing and maybe one day row an ocean!
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Show notes
When she started rowing
Loving sport at school and how she learnt the rules of life through sport
Rowing in the novice pot and taking 3 years to win it
What she loved about rowing
Growing up in West Africa and going to boarding school when she was 9
Being expelled from school at 11
Deciding she wanted to go to the Olympics
Making the GB Team
Having to work hard at her technique
Not making the team and being told she was too small and that she would never be an international rower
Being ranked 8th in the world in the single scull
5’7 tall
Having no money and not being able to afford to go to her first World Championships
Sleeping on floors and trying to cut her outgoings
How she get’s over disappointment
Her first World Championships rowing in the single scull
The challenges she has faced throughout her international rowing career
Dealing with injury before the 2000 Olympics
The 2000 Olympics, the challenges, the race, the day, the experience
Having to change the crew 5 weeks before the race
Being coached by Mike Spracklen
Having a race off for the last place in the boat
Team makers & Drivers
Dealing with the pressure when the world is watching you
Being able to turn on the raw emotion at the right time
4 cms…..
What it was like afterwards
Getting back into rowing and stroked the women 8 at the World Championships
Struggling with overtraining
Deciding to retire from rowing at 34
Deciding to row the English Channel
Waiting 4 months for the right weather to row the channel
The start of her expedition career
Not letting people erode your belief
Surround yourself with people who believe in you
Turning the BIG 50!
Her rowing plan for the summer - Outrigger Canoeing…
Advice if you want to get into rowing
Social Media
Twitter @guinbatten
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