Josephine in her own words:
“I’m a middle aged mother of three. Also, adventurer, rock climber, former Mountain Rescuer, wilderness addict, lover of Nature, doer. Oh, and professional author and award-winning photographer.
Many hats, but a common thread of being outdoors, helping people and sharing a love of wild places.
Having moved on from the confines of Mountain Rescue, I am on a journey with Mountain Training Association to get qualified so that I can introduce people, and especially women, to the indescribable benefits of outdoor adventure.
Too many women feel that it is beyond them. I want to show that it is not.
I love polar adventure and have been to Norway many times and skied across Svalbard on a 9 day expedition.
Mountains, moors, wilderness, old mines and rock faces all vie for my time so that it feels there is never enough!
My mantra is: “Do it now. Life is too short.”
I am not one for “ests” the longest/fastest/highest etc. To me, it is all about being there, in that moment.
My work as an author and publisher includes the Dartmoor Tors Compendium, the Official Visitor Guide to Dartmoor National Park and the Geology of Dartmoor. I also design unique infographics and poster art about Dartmoor in particular. My photography, when not illustrating books, is photographing architectural properties and interiors. Mainly though, photography is about showing how beautiful and amazing our world is.”
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Show notes
Who is Josephine
Wearing lots of hats
Her love for going out and exploring and spending time in wilderness
Studying geo-physics at university down in London
Making the move to Devon
Deciding to re-train in photography
How her career focuses on photography, design and being outdoors
Having 3 grown children
Her love and passion for the outdoors
Growing up in Acton, London
Spending more and more time in Dartmoor
Age 14, having the opportunity to do an outward bound course (3 week residential)
Discovering different possibilities and wanting to live a life outdoors
Meeting her husband at the Officer Training Core at University
Making the decision to move to Devon to raise her family
Asking herself the question - what does she really want to do
Buying an old barn to renovate, while raising 3 children and going back to college for 3 years to study photography and media production
Why we have to take a risk and make things happen
Not doing any adventures for 20 years while raising the kids
Starting to do more solo activities at 52
Booking to do a polar training course with Newland Expeditions
Spending time walking on Dartmoor
Losing her mum to Ovarian Cancer
Skiing across Svalbard on a 9 day expedition (being the only woman and one of the oldest there)
Camp life, dealing with Polar bears and why it’s so challenging
Imposter Syndrome?
Feeling like an explorer and an adventurer
Cycling the Hebridean Way, Scotland 2022
Being inspired by watching the Reality TV Show Castaway (2000)
Dealing with the tough days while on challenges
Suffering from covid
Challenges with mental health and seeking therapy
Dealing with setbacks and failure
Spending time in the Cairngorms, Scotland and going exploring
Doing her Hill & Moorland Assessment
Wanting to train for her Mountain Leader (ML) Award
Her healing process and wanting to learn new skills
Trying to identify what you want to be
Doing what’s achievable first
Signing up for the Rock Climbing Instructor Course in 2022
Wanting to share her love for the outdoors and encourage more people to spend time outside
Mountain Rescue and the training program
Hitting a glass wall and dealing with bad people management
Deciding to resign from Mountain Rescue
Advice and tips for other women who are in a similar situation
Not wanting to rock the boat and what she would do differently now
Why the old school way of thinking has to change
Why we don’t have to put up with bad behaviour
How the ML training is going
How you can connect with Josephine
The meaning behind the name ‘Tavicinity’
Using Instagram in the old fashioned way - black and white photos
The importance of learning how to navigate
Why you shouldn’t compare yourself to other people
Why you should try something new
“Make it happen and do it for you”.
Social Media
Instagram: @tavicinity
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