Overcoming Illness and Going on Physical Challenges with Kiko Matthews
An unexpected injury or diagnosis that limits physical capabilities can be a huge blow to any adventurer. The fear of not being able to...
Overcoming Illness and Going on Physical Challenges with Kiko Matthews
Kiko Matthews - Overcame Cushing’s Disease, and the removal of 2 brain tumours
Cazz Lander - running ultras, doing 12 challenges in 12 months & training to row the pacific ocean!
Ness Knight - Accidental adventurer & explorer whose cycled solo + unsupported 2000 miles across USA
Niki Doeg, Janette Benaddi - Yorkshire Rows - Rowing Across the Atlantic Ocean
5 Tips to Find & Prepare for Your Next Great Adventure from Natalia Cohen of the Coxless Crew
Coming Soon! - FOUR MUMS IN A BOAT
Elin Haf Davies - Ocean Rower & Sailor!