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Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swim – Update

The application process opened on the 12th January at 2 pm. I was at my computer, ready to sign up and commit for this amazing swimming challenge. As I’ve mentioned before the race is difficult to get into as they have a limited number of places available and a cap on the number of people who can do it from each country.

2 pm came and it was so frustrating, I couldn’t even get onto the website, it basically crashed because there was so much web traffic and the website was taken off line.

Bosphus site offline blog_edited.png

This now makes it a bit of a waiting game, as I can’t just sit here all day hitting the refresh button and waiting for it to come back on line. So every forty or fifty minutes I would hit refresh and see if I could onto the site. After trying for pretty much all day on the 12th I was not getting anywhere!

When I woke up on the 13th I tried again and had success; I could now log on to the website and get through to my application form. I was one step closer! I completed the rest of the details and added my credit card information and submitted the form.

NOOOOOO they had already reached maximum capacity and there were no more places available. Gutted!

It is so frustrating when you want to do something but can’t! I’ve sent a few e-mails off to the race organizers and asked to be put on the waiting list so if anyone does drops out I could take their place. Not sure how likely this will be, but at least I’ve tried.

I’ll just have to put a reminder in my diary for next year and hope I get in.

The learning from this is just because you don’t succeed at the first attempt doesn’t mean you should give up on your goal. I won’t be!

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