My local gym, the Underground Training Station, is very focused on coaching, education and getting results.
As well as having amazing coaches they also share their knowledge through workshops and seminars. I attended a season on the Principles of Training which was really interesting.
The session was presented by Neil Parsley, BSc, CSCS, ASCC
Neil Parsley is one the most sought after/experienced strength and conditioning coaches in the UK. Over the last 15 years Neil has coached Olympic Champions/medalists (Beijing & London Olympics) multiple World and European medalists and National teams/champions across several sports including Taekwondo, Athletics, Rugby, Swimming, Cycling, Wrestling and Disability swimming. He has travelled extensively throughout the world attending training camps and competitions in Europe, Asia, Australasia & South America.
My Key takeaway from the session:
Begin with the end in mind, what do you want to achieve? Get stronger? Lose weight? Training for a specific sport or event?
What drives what you do?
Know you why?
What’s your purpose?
Your training needs to be linked to your goal.
Different Goal + Different Training = Different Results
Be specific to you
What’s the best plan for you!
You are unique - your plan should be as well.
Have an element of power in your program
Power = strength + speed
The basics done to a high level with consistency will get you a long way.
Do CORE movements really well.
Have a focus on core stability
Anti extension - roll outs
Anti flexion - goblet squat/front squat/ squat
Anti rotation - plank
Anti lateral flexion - suitcase carry
Combined = amazing results
HIT Training - should be 20 seconds max intensive.
Training is placing stress on the body, you don’t always need to do a hard training session.
Needs to be progressive
“Train don’t strain”
Slow and steady wins the race
Don’t leave training till the last few weeks
Overload principle - must be gradual and progressive. Too much overload = fatigue
Train less but train hard.
Do less with more intensity
Don’t train the same all the time
Recover well
Eat well
WRONG Training
No progress
You don’t want to exercise
Poor sleep
Irregular eating patterns
COMMON Mistakes
Not seeking professional advice
Not listening to your body
Trying to do, to much training
Following a training program that is not specific to you
Training should be enjoyable!
Treat sleep like an exercise
Have a bath before bed
No caffeine after 6pm
No bright lights before bed
No use of devices before sleep