If you’ve been following my daily podcast you’ll have seen I was recently over in Germany for the ISPO conference.
ISPO is the world largest sports trade show for the sport business. I’d never actually heard of it before until the opportunity came up on Freestak (a platform which connects influencers to brands).
I’ve always loved attending conference, getting to meet and connect with inspirational people. Last year I volunteered at the The Next Web in Amsterdam, and worked at New Media Europe in London. I also got a free Women in Tech ticket to attend Web Summit in Lisbon.
Conferences are a great way for me to mix it up. Doing what I do (blogging, podcasting, social media). I can get very isolated and very much sucked into my own little world and just work in my business and not on growing my business.
When Freestak mentioned there was an opportunity to be given a free ticket to ISPO, along with flights and accommodation. I jumped at it! This would be a great way for me to spread my message about Tough Girl Challenges and a chance to meet other brands and people.

As well as attending the conference I was also on an influencer panel talking to brands and influences about my experience and sharing more about why I decided to go down the podcasting route.

ISPO was a shock to the system! With over 2,700 international exhibitors present from the fields of: Outdoor, Ski, Action, Sportmode, Performance Sports, Textilien, Health & Fitness, and Sourcing it was a conference like none other.
On the first day I walked over 16,000 steps! Not only was the conference heaving during the day, at night it changed into party central! There was the ISPO after work party, which was held every day, to the Vertical Fitness Bar, the Outdoor & Travel Bar and the legendary SOG Bar in the Scandinavian Village.
As well as the networking, the parties and the people, there was also the opportunity to learn. On Tuesday it was the ISPO Sports Communication Day which involved presentations and talks on a whole variety of topics, from:
Digital Marketing in Sports: From one-to-many to one-to-one
Fans Rule - Sports Marketing in the Digital Age
Influencer Marketing - Hype or viable business model?

I was disappointed with the lack of diversity of the speakers especially on the Influencer Marketing Panel. As it was a panel of all white males. I just think in this day and age it’s important for women to get a voice.
I looked around the audience and half of the audience were women, it was a shame we didn’t get to hear from any. I didn’t see any female speakers (admittedly I wasn’t their for the whole thing) but even so it was disappointing.
I personally feel that sports companies and outdoor companies are missing a massive trick when it comes to women. They don’t support or sponsor enough of them, they don’t get involved in enough to the races and the sports don’t get the main stream coverage they deserve.
I went and visited a number of brands to speak to them about their female ambassadors and what they do to encourage more women to get outdoors.
I had great conversations with North Face and Columbia. I was impressed by Colombia as she told it how it was, they use to be a brand which would just make the male products smaller and change the colour to pink. They are now making things specifically for women and have changed their ways.
Take a listen to my ISPO experience through the Tough Girl Daily Podcast!
5th February
Freestak - Being on the Panel - "How to pick the right influencers/bloggers for your brand"*
* Freestak are offering a free 30 min consultation to help you refine your influencer search, including tips & tools on how to check quantitative/qualitative criteria, monitor & analyse output. Contact Simon Freemen - simon@freestak.com - to book your session.
-Interviews with the women from WIB - Emma Shoesmith & Alma Pardo
-Interviews with - Dr. Andrea Low & Marlen Franke
6th February
- WIB Networking Lunch
- Instagram Live & new Youtube video (Watch now!)
- Partying at YKK (Little parts - Big difference)
- Cosmo's & live streaming on Instagram!
7th February
- Dealing with rejection
- Gym session for Appalachian Trail
- ISPO Academy
- Having an all male panel in 2017? My thoughts
- Interview & mobility session with Emily Ackner
- Sorting out e-mails and working with Brodie on sponsorship for the tough girl podcast
8th February
- Final day at ISPO in Munich!
- Interviews with The North Face & Columbia
- Catching up with Cathy O'Dowd
- Flying back to London
Some pics from ISPO!
A massive thank you to both Freestak & ISPO have having me!