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Follow up with Sarah Logan

I spoke with Sarah Logan for the Tough Girl Podcast, where she shared more of her story on the 13th April.

Sarah is 43 married with 2 girls - she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer, this is her story of survival, positivity and training for a triathlon while undergoing treatment.

Listen to her episode here!


Written by Sarah Logan

I have been really angry at cancer for a long time now. I have recovered physically and as far as I know I am ok. I am still high risk for a couple more years due to its aggressive nature and there being no ongoing treatments but it's ok, I have had counselling, I love being back at work, my hair is all back and I am exercising loads. I am a year clear and I am still really angry. Really angry that cancer has taken my friends and is clutching its vice like grip around more friends and family alike. I sometimes want to scream!

But actually then it would win.

So I have a plan (don't tell cancer).

I am going to do two things:

1. Take on more physical challenges this year (and hopefully raise some money along the way). Channel the anger.

2. Focus on the unsung heroes - those who have travelled my journey with me but don't get to scream and shout about it because it didn't 'happen' to them - my husband, my children and my friends

The details:

To head up the inaugural Team London for the amazing Team Phoenix, April - September 2017

Aim: to mentor, support and train with three breast cancer survivors to complete, as a team, the Hever super sprint triathlon in September 2017. I am incredibly proud to be representing Team Phoenix after taking part in my first ever tri with them last September.

Swimathon April 2017.

Aim: to improve front crawl with an aim to swim 1000 metres without stopping (I only started to learn front crawl last July towards the end of radiotherapy so this is challenge indeed!)

Southend sprint triathlon May 2017

Aim: to swim 750m in the sea (terrifying) then 20km cycle and 5km run

The 'Pink Ribbon Tour'.

Aim: to the iconic 25km central London route of the Women's Tour to support women affected by breast cancer

Parallel London September 2017

Aim: to run 5km with husband and both children as a family, all together. I can already picture the photo of us together with our medals on and it makes me very happy.

A half marathon Autumn 2017

Aim: it's been a long time since I ran a half marathon. Can I still do it? TBC!

This brings us to point 2.

Focus on the unsung heroes.

To hug, appreciate and spend time with my family. They were, and are, amazing. I am so lucky to still be here. Others haven't been.

Cancer, I am still very angry with you but I won't let take over my whole being any more. I am moving forward. I will never forget you and certainly won't be complacent. But you don't get to be ever present any more. My family deserve more than that.


Ladies of all ages please make sure you check your breasts!! Do it now!!!


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