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Summer Blogging 2017

Open to Patrons and members of the Tough Girl Tribe


I really want to help promote other women and their stories of challenge and adventure.

With Tough Girl Challenges, I have a platform on which I can now do this.

I would love to share your stories, your writings, your poems, your pictures, to help motivate and inspire other women to step outside their comfort zone.

New content would be shared every Thursday - on the Tough Girl Blog - #TribeThursday


  • A positive piece, written to inspire

  • Original content - no plagiarism

  • No explicit content

  • Spell checked & grammar checked

  • Topics which relate to women; women in sports, women in adventure, women on the tough girl podcast, women who overcome challenges, tips and advice that women can apply to their own lives to help them with challenge and adventure.

  • Any length

  • An image to accompany the piece

  • Your bio at the end with any social media links, website links and a small headshot (if you wish)

Creating Images

Please prove an image which includes the title of your piece. If you are not sure - please check out the tough girl blog and you can see example artwork which has been used to compliment the blog post

These can be created in for free. (Please only use your pictures, or pictures which are not copyrighted.)

Submission Requirements

  • A clear title

  • A body of work (including your bio and social media links)

  • If you use any links - please have the full links at the bottom (Embed linked, won’t transfer across, when the post is uploaded to the website)

  • Any images you wish to include.

How to Submit

E-mail with the above information

You will receive a confirmation e-mail to confirm when/if your piece will go live.


Please note there is no guarantee we will be able to share your work. There will be a number of factors which go into deciding what will be published. Please don’t be disheartened if your work is not shared.


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