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Show notes
Wanting to go on holiday
Give me sunshine!
Cheap destination for holidays in December
Edited a vlog - Day 71(Still being uploaded to youtube)
Flynn is editing Day 72
Camp America interview & report written
Uni work - notes and preparation for lectures on Thursday and Friday
Taking breaks..
New interview for the Tough Girl Podcast
How I meet Zoe and why I wanted her on the podcast
Not being able to read anymore
Having a balanced day… but wishing I could have edited a podcast
Applying to be a volunteer
Reddit…. Not a clue!
I’m bored of myself complaining about how little time I have!
Mini holiday in Lancaster!
No checking e-mails… no Facebook…
New blog post coming soon - for Mighty Blue Podcast ( Need to write show notes)
Have a productive day!!!
Say yes - or say No!
E-mail me - sarah@toughgirlchallenges.com
Big love xx

If you have questions regarding the Marathon des Sables - Please read - Tough Girl Sahara Challenge

If you have questions regarding climbing Kilimanjaro - Please read - Kilimanjaro Tips for The Top
Want to do more?
Become a Patron and donate a small fixed amount every month to help fund my mission
If you want to support my mission - you can also donate via PayPal

You can listen to the Tough Girl Podcast on the go via iTunes, Soundcloud & Stitcher!