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Show notes
Productive day - 2 podcasts edited!
Anna Blackwell will be on the TGP tomorrow
Jen Bricker - born with no legs- very fascinating story about how she overcame challenges in her life
New Patrons - Seanna ?
Update post in the Tough Girl Tribe
Comments from the tribe
£1.53 a month
Vlog 97 is key!
Stopping the negative chit chat in my head
What’s going to happen to Patreon?
1st day wanting to get hot and sweaty
Sorry for the overshare!
Front squats
Catching up with Di
Corporate Sponsorship 2018?
Study tomorrow.. & Wednesday
Hope you had an awesome Monday
Tune in tomorrow for a new podcast episode & vlog!
If you have questions regarding the Marathon des Sables - Please read - Tough Girl Sahara Challenge
If you have questions regarding climbing Kilimanjaro - Please read - Kilimanjaro Tips for The Top
Want to do more?
Become a Patron and donate a small fixed amount every month to help fund my mission
If you want to support my mission - you can also donate via PayPal
You can listen to the Tough Girl Podcast on the go via iTunes, Soundcloud & Stitcher!