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#23 - HORRENDOUS WEATHER....Ruta de la Piedra y del Agua (stone & water route!)

#23 - HORRENDOUS WEATHER....Ruta de la Piedra y del Agua (stone & water route!)

14th October on the Camino Portugués

🥾Today I will walk from Armenteria to Villanova de Arousa - 23.5km

🚨 I wanted an early start today - I was ready to get moving and ready to get walking! I was all packed up, bed stripped, waterproof jacket on, backpack on, ready to go.... I walked outside and I’d never seen rain like it, it was pelting down, you couldn’t even see through it, it was so thick.

🌧 I just couldn’t face walking out into the cold and the dark with the rain that heavy. I went back inside and decided to have a re think. I grabbed a hot chocolate from the machine and sat in the rest area with about 20 other pilgrims all trying decided what to do. 2 girls came back in and said it was impossible to see the path and the markers as the water had flooded over and it was pretty dangerous going. I never want to be stupid on these trips and don’t want to put myself in unnecessary danger if I don’t need to.

📖 I looked at the guide book and decided I could always take the road for a few kilometres and joint up with the Camino later on if it was that bad. However I also wanted to see what it would be like when it was a little lighter. I left just before 9 am and it was still pretty heavy rain coming down, but I wanted to get moving! I was itching to get outside and to start making progress. I didn’t want to take a rest day in this albergue!!

🥾The first 1.3km were wet, with slippy tree routes and sloppy stones, you had to be very careful with foot placement. My feet did get wet, but after the initial wetness, your body adapts and it’s not that bad! Plus from experience, I know it’s going to be ok, you can walk on wet feet. I’ve done it multiple times before on the Appalachian Trail. I moved efficiently and quickly through the forest passing the fast flowing waters, it was really stunning and without the rain it would have been magical. It was still special, it was still beautiful but just in a different way. After 6k you come out to a cafe in the woods which did chocolate croissants! It was time to indulge and dry off a bit.

💺 I don’t like stopping for long, especially when I’m wet, I get too cold and for me. It’s better for me to be moving. I eat my food, go to the toilet, get a stamp in my pilgrims... @ Villanueva de Arosa

🎥The vlogs from the Camino Portugués are coming out every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. The link is in the bio - or search for tough girl challenges in YouTube!! Make sure to subscribe so your don’t miss out!!

📚 My hike is being sponsored by @ciceronepress.

👉Cicerone has also got an awesome guide book about hiking the Camino Portugués which was written by Kat Davies @followingthearrows

Watch the vlog now!!!


My Camino walk is being sponsored by Cicerone!

Cicerone is a family run publishing company which have been producing guide books for walkers, cyclists, trekker and mountaineers for over 50 years.

There are over 320 guide books covering, the UK, Europe and Worldwide which are available in both hard copy and in e-books. Perfect for people who love to adventure and explore.

Learn more about Cicerone here, and follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!



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