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Sarah Williams - My journey of getting to the start line of the Marathon des Sables (MDS)

Tough Girl - Sarah Williams

The Marathon des Sables is one of the ultimate multi-stage endurance races in the world. It consists of running six marathons in six days across the Sahara desert. It’s been around for over 30 years and according to the Discover Channel has the reputation of being “one of the hardest footraces on earth”. It’s brutal, it's challenging and according to pretty much everyone I speak to, a crazy race to do!

You can listen to this episode NOW - Click the play button!

Show notes

  • The MDS and when the seed got planted

  • The start of the journey in September 2014

  • Preparation for the race - How I changed my fitness routine and diet

  • Weight lifting and how it changed my body

  • Starting to feel tired, lethargic, aching legs, no energy…..over training

  • My low point - not having the energy to get out of bed

  • My body failing me & being so disappointed in myself

  • Dealing with candida and having to drastically change my diet

  • Having to postpone the MDS until April 2016

  • Working with a Personal Trainer - Jack Clover from JC Performance

  • Why it's so important you listen to your body

  • The importance of being specific with your training and not just training for training sake

  • Heading to Australia for endurance training

  • Dealing with issues during training such as a broken little toe!

  • What I learned from training in the heat

  • What a typical week of training looked like

  • Kit & equipment (You can also watch videos on the Tough Girl - YouTube Channel for more info)

  • Top tips for preparing your feet and why it’s so important

  • Dealing with the nerves before the race, and why its important to be relaxed!

  • Getting the hair right for the race!

  • Travelling to the start of the race & what it was like out in the desert

  • The importance of receiving e-mails and the extra motivation they provided - THANK YOU to everyone who wrote to me!!

  • Cut off times and why you need to stay a head of the camels!

  • Why it was important for me to run my own race. We also discuss the high points, the low points and handling day 4, the long day (80K - 52 miles)

  • How I used gratitude in the race and why I found the finish of the race a bit of a let down

  • Why I wouldn’t race the MDS again and what I’ve got coming up next

  • My top tips for the MDS & dealing with pressure from the race

  • Some final fun questions and what made me emotional after the race!

You can listen to the Tough Girl Podcast on the go via iTunes, Soundcloud & Stitcher!


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