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Show notes
Working at Ground in Hoylake
Talking to real people!
Editing Vlogs!
Day 82 for the Appalachian Trail has gone live!!!!
Scheduled vlogs ready to come out over the next few days
Make sure you watch vlog number 97…
Thank goodness the vlogs weren’t coming out in real time
My mission this weekend
Flynn is working on vlog for day 100!
Boston footage & footage from France
Getting more into vlogging…
Vlogging as a way to grow your brand..
Not being able to get access to my ad-sense money
148,000 views from 1,300 subscribers
Interactions from the daily podcast via youtube
I’m so pleased I vlogged the Appalachian Trail
The White Mountains…
My mental self talk
Trying not to panic
Being a LEGEND!!!!
Feeling like a winner!
Lots of love!

If you have questions regarding the Marathon des Sables - Please read - Tough Girl Sahara Challenge

If you have questions regarding climbing Kilimanjaro - Please read - Kilimanjaro Tips for The Top
Want to do more?
Become a Patron and donate a small fixed amount every month to help fund my mission
If you want to support my mission - you can also donate via PayPal

You can listen to the Tough Girl Podcast on the go via iTunes, Soundcloud & Stitcher!