Warm Up - Foam Roll, Band Hip Flexor, Inch Worm Cobra, Squat Rotation, Single Leg Bridge, Overhead Squat, Lunge Knee Raise, A-Skip.
1a - Split Squat (3 sec pause at the bottom) - 3 SETS
Load - 30 kg
Reps - 6
1b - Single Leg Hop & Hold
Reps - 4
1 Min rest between sets
2a - Chin Ups
Reps - 6
I couldn't do these from home as I don’t have a chin up bar :-(
But while out running, when I passed a pull up bar I would do a few pull ups.
3a - Dumbell Romanian Deadlift - 3 SETS
Load - 30 kg
Reps - 10
3b - Red band face pulls
Reps - 10
3c - Hamstring Raises (10 sec hold)
Reps - 3
30 Sec rest between sets
4a - Swiss Ball Curl - 2 SETS
Reps - 8
4b - Split Squat - Wood chop
Load - Red band
Reps - 10
30 Sec rest between sets