Lorna North is the founder of Queen of the Mile, a platform for those who share the joys of road cycling and running with a particular focus on making these sports less intimidating and more accessible to women. The idea came about when she bought her first road bike and couldn’t find any personal insight on how to get started. As a professional writer anyway, she decided to build a resource to fill this gap and share first-hand experiences of the cycling and running challenges she and the community were embarking on. Lorna’s approach is not about being the fastest but about pushing your own limits, having fun with it and seeing every mile as a victory.
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Show notes
Getting to know Lorna, what it was like growing up in London and finding her first passion - Gymnastics
Why she decided to give it up
Why running came next and what she loved about it
Spending 4 years abroad, traveling around Africa and Asia and what she learned from it and why it empowered her
Returning to the corporate lifestyle and why she decided to train for her first Marathon
Hitting the wall at mile 20 and what was going through her head as she struggled around the marathon courses
Why she felt disappointed in herself.
The dreaded questions that everyone asks when you talk about marathon running…
Having to take a break after the marathon and why she decided to get into cycling!
Turning 30!
Getting on her bike and going through a baptism of fire!
Looking back at her previous challenges and which ones stand out for her - most notably cycling from London to Paris in 24hrs with Challenge Sophie!
Getting through the dark moments and what kept her going
Her first Ultra - 100k Race to the Stones - what happened and what she learned on the way
Dealing with DNF (Did Not Finish)
2016 and what’s been happening!
Cycling 220 miles from Manchester to London - and how she coped physically and mentally
Coping with “bonking”, dealing with nutrition and how to mange her food needs while completing ultra distances
Plans for 2017
Learn more about Lorna by visiting her blog - www.queenofthemile.com
Lorna is on twitter @QueenOfTheMile

Next week we will be speaking to Lorna’s Mum - Alison “Ace” North as she shares more about taking up running in her sixties and how she went from running 5K to a 100K ultra race!
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