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Part 3 - 7 Women - 7 Challenges 2017 - Show notes!

At the start of 2017 after feedback from the Tough Girl Tribe. I started 7 Women - 7 Challenges.

Throughout the year I will be interviewing 7 women as we follow them on their journey of going after their own personal challenges.

We will learn what really has to happen for people to achieve their goals, we will hear about their frustrations, disappointments, set backs, as well as their successes and achievements.

It is real stories, from real women, living real lives.

This is part 3*

*We will be catching up with Rae Red in Part 4

You can listen to Part 1 of 7 Women - 7 Challenges here.

1st January 2017

You can listen to Part 2 of 7 Women - 7 Challenges here!

12th February 2017

Part 3 is now LIVE!

2nd April 2017

Order & Timings

Jen Dykxhoorn - 4 mins

Jo Jo Rogers - 33 mins

Georgie Akin-Smith - 1 hr 7 mins

Gemma Smith - 1 hr 35 mins

Rachel Wise - 2 hr 09 mins

Laura Try - 2 hr 47 mins

Jen Dyxhoorn

@ 4 mins

  • Visiting friends and family in Canada

  • How our last conversation reinvigorated her training plan

  • Signing up for 1 month gym membership and doing 20 classes

  • Feeling strong, powerful and feeling even more energised

  • Moving back to Sweden for 3 - 6 months

  • Update on her everyday magic goals - from reading more books to flossing her teeth everyday

  • Being inspired by the adventurous women from the Tough Girl Podcast

  • Being inspired by the book “Wild Women”

  • Cultivating good habits

  • Champagne Goals - are in progress and her first goal will be checked off soon when she moves back to Sweden

  • The planning and preparation for her August cycle ride - LEJOG

  • Working with her sister to plan the trip in more detail

  • The power of lists

  • Sorting out the route and accommodation

  • How her PHD has helped her to plan for her adventures

  • Using permanent lists

  • Her city break to Poland and taking a break from life and being able to switch off

  • The 3 Ps - Packing - Planning - PHD

  • Her end of month check in - “Structured Reflection”

  • Feeling good about the progress she’s made in both her training and her PHD

  • The Passion Planner - Why she loves it and has used it religiously for the past 2 years

  • Filling that space when you’ve finished your goal

  • Her focus for the next few weeks

  • Thinking about an ultra marathon!

  • Looking for an ultra marathon race in July somewhere in Europe - Any ideas!

  • Continuing the, Year of the Mighty Thigh!

  • Sunning 6k to get to wifi!

  • Why she’s also going to focus on strength training as a use for injury prevention

You can follow Jen’s adventures at, or on Twitter @jendykxhoorn and Instagram @lovelyoutlier

Follow her Sister - Karen Dykxhoorn on Instagram @hopefulgoat & twitter @hopefulgoat

Jo Jo Rogers

@ 33 mins

  • What’s been happening since we last spoke

  • The snowshoe races!

  • The World Snowshoe Championships… with no snow!

  • Getting ready to race when the course conditions were so terrible

  • What the route was like and being fearful of getting hurt

  • Finishing 3rd in the world for women aged between 50 - 59

  • How she celebrated

  • The National Snowshoe Championships… 10 ft of snow!

  • Her race strategy

  • Watching her daughter race

  • How she deals with nerves before a race

  • Travelling next year to Spain for the World Championships with her daughter

  • Mother daughter bonding

  • Her next race in Texas

  • Starting to pick up training again

  • Training for snowshoeing in the dirt and the grass

  • Mixing up her training

  • The challenges she is dealing with at the moment - sleep, nutrition,

  • Weekly millage… 130

  • Junk miles?

  • Running easy miles

  • Overtraining and how she knows

  • Happiness

  • Speed work and how she does it - her favourite is progression training

  • Sleep habits

  • What she’s learnt from the races so far

  • Feeling selfish, because she’s doing what she loves

  • Living the life she wants to

Update Jo Jo!

Jo Jo has written more and provided us with a March Update.

Georgie Akin-Smith

@ 45 mins

  • 2 of her challenges have been completed!

  • How she was feeling before her duathlon in Windsor

  • Getting to the venue super early

  • What the course was like

  • 10k run - 40k bike - 5k run

  • What was going through her head on the start line

  • Trying to remember to run her own race

  • Her race strategy

  • What she learned from the experience

  • Why being prepared helped her

  • Her “oh no” moments

  • Her final transition and what her legs were like

  • Trying to fit another duathlon into her schedule for this year!

  • Her 2nd challenge

  • The Cross Country Ski Marathon in Switzerland!

  • Training for the Ski Marathon in Hyde Park!

  • Not being able to get into her rhythm

  • The downhill and why it was harder

  • Her next challenge - The London Marathon

  • Suffering with a hip injury

  • Why you have to listen to your body

  • 120 mile cycle ride, 10 hours in the saddle with few stops

  • What she was eating on her cycle ride

  • Going for a Bike Fit

  • Feeling nervous about her next cycle challenges

  • Her current fears about the upcoming races

  • Mantras and visualisation to help with her challenges

Georgie is blogging about all her challenges at

Gemma Smith

@ 1.35

  • What Gemma has been up to since we last spoke

  • Working hard, making the most of her weekends and spending time in Chamonix

  • Skiing, climbing and heading up North in the UK to head into Snowdonia in Wales

  • Some low level hiking just below the snow line

  • Enjoying ice climbing and leaning new skills to help in the mountains

  • Heading over to Italy to climb and being one of the few girls out there

  • Practicing screwing in ice screws and different ways of belaying on ice

  • What good ice should look like

  • Thinking about the long term and why she’s learning these skills now

  • Having the aim to be skilled and fit enough to face any challenge on the mountain

  • Working with her personal trainer

  • “Hurricanes” a new fun way of training!

  • Working in a hypoxic way

  • Trying to maintain everything she’s doing

  • Heading back to Chamonix in Easter

  • Getting everything ready for her trip in August

  • Getting her accommodation all booked for August - staying in mountain huts on the way

  • Dealing with Raynaud’ s while out in the cold

  • The £200 pair of gloves…

  • Starting to blog - Adventures of a Novice Mountaineer

  • Why she’s going to start upping things now

  • Trying to do more ridge walks to get as much exposure as possible

  • Her next challenge in Chamonix and planning another trip to Scotland

  • Finding a good guide through - Adventure Base

  • Tips from her guide - John

  • The challenges over the past few weeks, especially trying to balance work

  • How she keeps her motivation going especially day to day

  • Collecting local art work and reminding herself why she’s doing it

  • Why music helps to keep her motivated as well as talking to people

  • Why you have to be a little bit crazy to pursue what you love

  • Nutrition for mountain days

  • The Sandstone Trail in Cheshire - potential training walk for me!

Gemma is on Instagram @GemLaurenSmith & also on Twitter @GemlaurenSmith

Rachel Wise

@ 2.09

  • A reflection on how she was feeling a few months ago

  • Turning a corner

  • The website is now live, and she’s up and running on twitter @slowtravelfam and Instagram @slowtravelfamily

  • Air BnB is starting to make money which is great going into the savings account

  • Speaking with their landlord about being able to sublease the house while they were away

  • Being able to come back to the same house in Switzerland once they finish travelling

  • Paying for the flights and being all booked up as far as they can with regards to flights

  • Planning the budget per day for each place they visit

  • Progress regarding the girls education

  • The focus for the coming weeks

  • Trying to figure out what to do with their dog!

  • Feeling more organised and getting on top of things

  • Documenting the journey through the website and via social media

  • Not getting twitter, and not seeing how it can work for her

  • Enjoying Instagram and finding it fun

  • Feeling more positive about everything

  • Training for the Geneva Marathon

  • What’s she learned so far

  • Telling work…..

  • Blog post - “Are we who we say we are?”

  • Ignore the haters and the negative comments

  • Feeling proud of the website, and crossing of items on her to do list

  • Applying to be a house sitter for July

  • What else she’s be working on in the coming weeks - from running the Geneva Marathon to sorting out accommodation for their trip, and planning the US road trip

You can read about Rachel’s family’s adventures at!

Laura Try

@ 2.47

  • Life is tough

  • Formulating a plan

  • New members of the LT Support Crew

  • The issue of raising funds for the challenge

  • The struggle of getting in front of the right people

  • £6k raised and another £15K needed to reach her target in 9 weeks or else she will be kicked off the team

  • New strategies every week e.g. last week cold calling

  • How’s she's handling the pressure

  • Having a melt down a few weeks ago

  • Not being able to rest, if she rests, then nothing else happens

  • Trying to remain positive

  • Waking up at 6 am - working all day and then back on the laptop working (every day)

  • What the options are?

  • Feeling embarrassed if she doesn’t do it

  • Focus on the positives

  • Being featured by Health & Fitness Magazine!

  • New videos being made

  • Making progress

  • Speaking with Lauren Morton

  • Connecting with local business people

  • The £150 club!

  • Speaking to Jamie Sparks

  • Cold calling!!

  • Learning new skills!!

  • Making changes to sponsorship brochure

  • No time for training

  • Having to sacrifice; food, sleep and training to focus on sponsorship and funding

  • Mental health

  • Feeling on the edge

  • How its become an obsession

  • The focus for the next few weeks

  • Wishing she done crowdfunding first

  • Debt?

  • Creating a video for the - Road Rower!

  • Being proactive

  • What she’s learned from the past few weeks

  • Not being able to think straight

You can sponsor Laura at

Connect with Laura - Facebook, twitter, Youtube, and visit her website


Schedule of future episodes

Part 1 - 1st January LIVE

Part 2 - 12th February LIVE

Part 3 - 2nd April LIVE

Part 4 - 28th May

Part 5 - 1st October

Part 6 - 19th November

Part 7 - 31st December


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