Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent is a travel writer, TV producer and director of Edge Expeditions.
She’s written three books, penned numerous articles for magazines, set an unlikely Guinness World Record for driving a tuk tuk 12,500 miles from Bangkok to Brighton and filmed in remote locations from Bolivia to Borneo and beyond.
Her latest book is , Land of the Dawn-lit Mountains: A Journey Across Arunachal Pradesh – India’s Forgotten Frontier.
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Show notes
Living in Bristol and growing up in Norfolk
Being inspired by her parents and her grandmother
Family holiday
Going straight to University and using her holidays to travel
Deciding to drive a tuk tuk from Bangkok to London in 2006
“Ting Tong" the bright pink tuk tuk and raising £50K for the charity MIND
Quitting her job, planning the trip, and raising the funds!
Getting ill in Bangkok
Taking a month to cross China
How the trip changed her perceptions of herself
Adjusting back to real life after the trip
The Ho Chi Minh Trail adventure and how it evolved
Loving the history and the research behind the trips
Travelling by herself & being terrified
The day that stands out in her mind
Having a scary day in the Cambodian Jungle…
Treating writing like a job
Being a self motivated person and being consumed by what she does
Her latest book….
Money -how she funds her trips…
Getting to the remote parts in India
Getting drunk with the nuns!
How happy and content the people seemed
Her routine while travelling
Missing her boyfriend & hot baths while being away
Edge Expeditions
Future expeditions
Wanting to go to Pakistan
Advice and tips for travel
Talk on 2nd Feb - London - Destinations Website
Learn more about Ants
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Twitter - @AntsBK
Instagram - @AntsBK
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