As I’ve now started training for my Appalachian Trail 100 day Challenge, it’s really important I keep track of my weight and my measurement to ensure I’m not losing weight and I’m adding on muscle and building strength.
For me, weighing myself once a month and taking measurements will be a really powerful tool to ensure I’m keeping on track.
From training previously I know I need to be aware of what’s happening to ensure I don’t go down the over trained route, which is what I know can happen to me very easily!
Weight - 10 stone & 1/4
Measurements (Inches)
Right Leg - 20.5
Left Leg - 20.5
Right Arm - 11
Left Arm - 11
Stomach (Belly button) - 26
Hips - 34
Under boobs - 30
Weight - 10 stone 4 & 1/2
Measurements (Inches)
Right Leg - 21
Left Leg - 21
Right Arm - 11.3
Left Arm - 11.3
Stomach (Belly button) - 30
Hips - 34
Under boobs - 30.5
Weight - 10 stone 5 & 3/4
Measurements (Inches)
Right Leg - 21.5
Left Leg - 21.5
Right Arm - 11.5
Left Arm - 11.5
Stomach (Belly button) - 31
Hips - 36
Under boobs - 31
There has been an increase in weight. Which is a good thing, as I will end up going into a calorie deficit, so I do need to add on more weight. My measurements have not changed drastically, just a few small changed in my legs, arms and stomach.
Not the best lighting! But it gives you an indication & they will be good to use for comparison purposes over the coming months.
FYI - My height is 5'9