Fiona Oakes is a British marathon runner, who holds three world records for marathon running. In 2013, she won both the Antarctic Ice Marathon and the North Pole Marathon. She runs despite losing a knee cap from an illness when she was 17.
At 48, she holds three world records, including becoming the fastest woman to run seven marathons in seven continents, plus the north pole, with an aggregate time of 31 hours 11 mins and 53 secs.
During this podcast, we discuss so much; why she became vegan, how her passion for animals have changed her life. Why and how she first got into running, how she trains, what she eats, what her daily life is like, as well as top tips if you want to run a fast marathon. There is a huge amount of information given during this podcast which I found fascinating and think you will to! You don’t need to be a vegan to enjoy this episode!
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Show notes
Why Fiona describes herself as an animal advocate
Going vegetarian at 3 years old in the 1970s
Becoming vegan at 6 years old and her passion for animals
Becoming an advocate for animals and needing a platform to speak out
Where the running came from
Working in London and coming from a cycling background
Starting to jog to keep fit
Not having a knee cap!!
Considering herself as an amateur runner (even though running a 2.38 marathon!)
Working out everything for herself
Having determination and grit, but no talent…
Deciding to go after ultras such as Marathon des Sables
Running in pain
The London marathon and training for it - and why you have to be brave to run a marathon
Fitting training into her life - getting up at 3.30 am
Her running routine to run a 2.38 marathon
The magic for moving up a level in running - SPEED WORK!!
Signing on to be available for the fire service
Diet and why it is not a priority
Not taking supplements, no gels or recovery drinks
Vegan marshmallows!
Eating one meal a day and not snacking
Why she focuses on her feet
Being on a very tight budget both financial and time wise
Stomach problems while running
Her most magical race
The Marathon des Sables
Being invited to run the North Pole Marathon!
Learning a lot about herself while running
Vegan running club
4 deserts grand slam!
How you can help and support!
Social Media
Facebook - @FionaOakes
Twitter - @Marathonfiend
Facebook - @towerhillstables
Twitter - @towerhillstable
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