Tayo is The Five to Nine Traveller who believes life is more than your 9 to 5. As an adventuring enthusiast she is always on the hunt for adventure both local & global and loves to share her stories to inspire the same in you!
She truly believes adventure is what you make it so you can find her hiking up some mountain or discovering the latest immersive cultural experience in the city.
Tayo in her own words:
My name is Tayo and I am just a regular gal with a job (oh the inconvenience) who exhibits off the scale delight when she travels and explores! I love travelling as it appeals to my inner childhood of being an explorer and finding something new in my surroundings, be it in the city I live or a new destination. As a child I was an avid reader of The Famous Five by Enid Blyton who were always on adventures and I was always exploring around the estate where I grew up.
Travelling for me is a collection of interactions, memories and personal development, and tells me more about the world I live in. Some of my most vivid memories from travelling are moments I reflect on and smile, like seeing the gorgeous sunsets over Oxford city to meeting Frank in Cuba who kindly gave me a hat made of local leaves (which I still have to this day and use for fancy dress!)
Blogging is my outlet to share my eclectic narratives and photos of the beautiful world I get to see, packed full of adventure! The main thing though is that I hope it inspires you to go out there and have an adventure even with your 9 to 5!
Not all travels have to be in far flung exotic places
(although that is fun too!)
And who says who have to jack it all in to travel?
That’s what makes me The 5 to 9 Traveller!
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Show notes
Who is Tayo
Working as a pharmacist
Growing up in Newcastle
Her early years
Being connected to her Nigerian heritage
Learning more about her family history
Being a curious child
Heading back to visit Nigeria
Not taking a gap year after school
Deciding to start her blog at the end of 2015
Being inspired by Travel Noire
Not really knowing what blogs were
Not telling anyone about her blog
Using her blog as a creative outlet
What adventure means to Tayo
Being willing to have her mind opened to the new around her
Deciding on where to go travelling
Spending time in South Africa and Brazil
Having a wanderlist
Traveling solo and travelling with other people
Doing a summer placement in America
2019 spending time in South America
Making the decision to go travelling
Telling her parents about her trip
Making sure she had a reason to come back
Wanting to learn Spanish
Need to get the balance between adventure and routine
Making changes to hair
Travelling on buses in South America
Visiting Machu Picchu
Dealing with Covid
Loving travelling and loving to learn
How to connect with Tayo
Final words of advice
Making time for travel
The joy of starting off small and staying local.
Social Media
Website: thefivetoninetraveller.com
Instagram: @the5to9traveller
Twitter: @5to9traveller
Facebook: The Five to Nine Traveller
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