Rogeema shares her story of pushing her own limits and proving to people, especially other women, that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.
Rogeema talks about her early years and not being sporty, never being picked for sports teams, and not knowing what to do at the gym. She shares her journey of starting as a runner and moving into triathlon, including learning how to swim at 35 years old and signing up for her first 5k race.
Rogeema discusses the challenges of going from a half marathon to an ultra marathon, hitting "the wall" while running, and why you need time to recover when running the longer distances.
Rogeema also talks about the mental preparation needed before race day, the importance of putting in the training, and working with a sports psychologist to reprogram her mind for success. Rogeema also discusses her mental health struggles after becoming an Ironman and the importance of having a tribe and community.
Throughout the episode, Rogeema emphasizes the power of visibility and inspiring more Muslim women to enter the world of triathlon and running while wearing a hijab. She wants to show young girls that anything is possible and encourages listeners to not change themselves, but instead to change the game.
To connect with Rogeema, listeners can visit her website at and follow her on Instagram @rogeemakenny.
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Show notes
Who is Rogeema
Growing up in Cape Town, South Africa
Starting as a runner and moving into triathlon
Woking as a freelance management consultant and project manager
Her early years
Not being sporty and never being picked for the sports teams
Learning how to swim at 35 years old
Doing her first sprint triathlon
Being into health and fitness
Her running journey
Getting her black belt in karate
Signing up for her first 5k race
Building up the distance over time
Not feeling like a real runner
Not knowing what to do at the gym and feeling lost
Having an accountability buddy
Starting to run half marathons, marathons and ultra marathons
Her love for running
How running helped with her mental health
Feeling a sense of achievement after doing something difficult
Why endurance sports change you as a person
Why you should do hard things
Making progress in running and increasing the distances
Following a training plan for the ultra distances
The challenge of going from a half marathon to a half marathon
Hitting “the wall” while running
Why you need time to recover when running the longer distances
Why you need to train hard and do the tough sessions
Building up your resilience muscle
Doing her last Ironman in tough conditions
The challenges of race day and overcoming them and feeling even stronger at the finish
Mental preparation before the race
The Power Pose - Amy Cuddy - Ted Talk
Why you need to put in the training
Getting ‘switched on’, on race day
Not being a naturally athlete and having to work for every little gain
Working with a sports psychologist and re programming her mind for success
The power of professional help and why it’s invaluable
Book: The Brave Athlete: Calm the F*ck Down and Rise to the Occasion by Simon Marshall Phd, & Lesley Paterson
Learning to control your emotions
Blog: The Dark Side of becoming an Ironman - Mental Health Struggles
Dealing with her mental state changing after the race
Trying to understand what was happening
Needing a tribe and a community
Happy hormones and exercise
Rest and recovery after an Ironman
Doing social races and social training
The women who inspired her to start triathlon
Lucy Charles-Barclay - World Triathlon long distance champion @lucycharles93
Khadijah Diggs @khadijahtriathlete
Inspiring more muslin women to enter the world of triathlon and running while wearing a hijab
The power of visibility and seeing other women out there competing
How to connect with Rogeema
Final words of advice
Wanting to show young girls that anything is possible
Social Media
Instagram: @rogeema
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