Mel lives a life of adventure and is inspiring others to believe that anything is possible.
Mel was a fit and healthy young woman, who loved to get outside, go running and ride bikes, while caring for her horses. After a series of life changing strokes Mel’s life was turned upside down, she was unable to walk and after her third stroke in 2008, struggled to use much of the left side of her body. Fast forward four years after watching the Beijing Paralympics from her hospital bed, Mel was racing in front of 80,000 people at the London 2012 Paralympics. At this point, Mel had only been involved in the sport for 15 months.
Mel went on to represent Team GB for the next 4 years, where she achieving track world records, European and World major medal success. At the end of 2016 Mel made the move from track racing, to endurance and road racing. She has found her new passion, hand cycling. Mel has gone on to break the 2 hour time barrier in the London Marathon, and has recently smashed both the men and women’s LEJOG World record - hand cycling 874 miles in 6 days, 22 hours and 18 mins!
Listen to Mel Now!
Show notes
What life was like growing up
Her love for horses and being outside
Wanting to be a vet and marry a farmer
Leaving school at 16
Having her first stroke in 2002
Trying to figure out what caused it
Dealing with the uncertainty
Having her 3rd stroke
Not being able to walk any more and having to spend a lot of time in the stoke unit
Watching the Paralympics
Getting back into sports and fitness and why it was so important
Trying wheel chair racing for the first time and getting a coach
Her dream of being selected for the Great British Team for the London 2012 Olympics
Now what?!
Dealing with a crisis of confidence
Why she prefers the longer distances to sprints
What is was like racing at the 2012 London Olympic games
Racing in the London Marathon and why she loves it - Plus getting a PB
Having to wait for heart surgery
Upper body strength and training in the gym
How Handcycle Britain - LEGOG - World Record Attempt came about
How hand cycling has become her career
Her mental performance mindset and using that during the challenge
Smashing the record - 6 days, 22 hours and 18 mins!!
What a typical day was like and planning to cycle for 10 hours a day
Dealing with the challenging race conditions
Starting to think about her next challenge!
Getting off road on her bike
The cost of handbikes
Quick Fire Questions
Social Media
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Instagram @teamdolly
Twitter @Dolly2racer
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