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National Writing Day - Tell your story (with #WSW2017)

National Writing Day is inviting people from across the UK to put pen to paper, unleash their imagination and make their voices heard. We want everyone, everywhere to get writing and to share their stories on Wednesday 21st June 2017!”

We all have a story to tell. Whether that’s documenting a huge, multi-day challenge with months and months of planning or charting the journey to your first 5k, sharing the highs and lows, successes and setbacks can not only be empowering, but can provide motivation and inspiration for others.

One of the key aims of Tough Girl Challenges is to motivate and inspire women and girls by providing positive role models of women taking on challenges and showing the rest of us what is possible – after all, you can’t be what you can’t see and young girls in particular need to be exposed to such examples. The podcast provides incredible examples of inspirational women every single Tuesday, but we can all play our part by taking the opportunity to tell our stories and make our voices heard in other ways.

Blogging is one of the best ways we can get our voices out there and tell our stories. Here are my top 5 reasons why you should give it a go:

  1. You can connect with like-minded people. If you enjoy reading blogs about your favourite sports or challenges, why not add your voice to the discussion and become part of a supportive community?

  2. It’s a fantastic way to learn more, whether that’s learning about yourself, your area of interest or the process of blogging, you’re sure to get something out of it.

  3. It’s a great tool for discovery. You might discover new ideas for posts, new blogs or books to read or new approaches to training… the list just goes on and on.

  4. A blog is a great way to document and record key moments. It can be a training log, a record of a race or challenge, a snapshot of life. Your content is easily accessible to go back to again and again to reflect on your journey.

  5. It’s the ideal way to share. You can share knowledge and experience, open up a discussion, give or seek encouragement and keep yourself accountable in your latest challenge.

All of these demonstrate that writing can be both a pleasurable experience and a source of power. It’s a way to make our voices heard and tell our stories, just like many of the podcast interviewees have done. Check out the awesome women from 7 Women 7 Challenges for inspiration.

Ready to give it a go yourself? Members of the Tough Girl Tribe and patrons of the podcast are invited to submit their writing as part of the Summer Blogging Feature on #TribeThursday. Why not try it and #TellYourStory

Allison McArthur. To find out more, visit her blog.


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