Gowri is a naturalist and environmental educator who loves finding an excuse to be outdoors in nature—and climbing is one of her favourite excuses.
Gowri grew up climbing trees and scrambling on rocks in India, she went on to become an outdoor guide in the Peruvian Amazon.
Gowri currently teaches nature connection to kids in Upstate NY and India and also teaches Indian women climbing.
A few years ago she received the Live your Dream Grant given by American Alpine Club and the North Face to climb her hardest project to date, called French Indian Masala (7b+/5.12c), in India.
In 2018 she initiated the first-ever Indian women's climbing meet up in India to mentor and teach women climbing, called CLAW or Climb Like A Woman. She hopes to keep teach climbing, inspire more women to climb, and teach nature connection to the larger outdoor community through her new initiative Wilderness Ways.
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Show notes
Who is Gowri
Her passions and her work
Growing up in India
Going to a non conventional school
Being obsessed with snakes
Getting into nature and wildlife from a young age
Her dreams as a little girl
Going to college over in America
Her journey into climbing
Working in Peru as a guide
Going to an indoor rock climbing gym in the US
Her first climb outdoors
Climbing the French Indian Masala route
Applying for a grant
CLAW - Climb Like A Woman
Wanting to teach Indian women how to climb
Holding the first event in 2018
Going against gender norms
Climbing in Hampi
Women teaching women
The false stories we tell ourselves
Dealing with fears when climbing
The women who have inspired Gowri in climbing and nature
Being inspired by Flash Foxy
Planning a climb and starting a new project
Producing a film of the French Indian Masala route climb
Starting training 2 months before
Figuring out your weaknesses and strengths
The importance of rest
Taking on a new challenge every 2 years
The next project…..
Training for one move
The move….
Watch the video on Youtube - French Indian Masala - Gowri Varanashi
Teaching children - Nature connection
How to connect with Gowri
Final words of advice
Be curious, observe and ask questions!
Social Media
Women's Climbing Meet Up in India.
CLAW <<Climb Like A Woman>>
Breaking barriers through rock climbing
Wilderness Ways - reconnects you to the power of nature through unique experiences in the outdoors promoting love & care for the natural world.
Website - www.wildernessways.org
Instagram: @wilderness__ways.
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