Let's just get this out of the way - This is a massive GOAL!!
A goal that scares me and excites me in equal measure. I have no idea if its possible. I don’t know if this will happen in the following year. But I do know I am going to work my hardest and do everything I can to make it happen.
Just to put some numbers and context around the goal. I started the podcast in August 2015 with 4 episodes, since then, I have released over 80 episodes, and also expanded the podcast with Tough Girl Extra (6 episodes in, Tough Girl Extra comes out every Thursday on an ad hoc basis).
In August 2016 I hit 100,000 downloads which was my goal for 2016! By the end of December I hope to have reached 180,000 (still a stretch & I may fall short).
So over the course of 2017 I will need to average approx 27,000 downloads per month! Which, I’m not going to lie, is a big ask, at the moment I am just shy of 20,000 downloads per month.
I want The Tough Girl Podcast to be the - Biggest Female Sporting Podcast in the WORLD!!!
This is not going to happen immediately. Which I understand, I’m aware I have to be patient and also put in the hard work required to make this happen.
To make any goal happen, you have to have a plan
- this is my plan.
Actions I’m going to be taking:
Continue to put out a weekly podcast episode every Tuesday at 7am UK Time.
Continue to be consistent with the quality of the interviews
Interview women of all ages, from different backgrounds, doing different challenges.
Continue to share the podcast on as many social media platforms as possible.
Connect and grow my network on Linkedin - connect with guests and write recommendation
Continue to expand the podcast remit. E.g. Develop Tough Girl EXTRA. In 2017 I will continue to interview past Tough Girls who have been on the podcast before and also interview members of the Tough Girl Tribe to help support and encourage them with their own challenges.
To follow and support 7 women as they undertake 7 challenges in 2017. We will be speaking to the women on a regular basis to help share their story.
Say yes to all podcasters who want to interview me for their podcast!
Support other female podcasters through Patreon.
Work with other women and brands who have a similar message!
Grow my social media following, especially twitter & Instagram- Goal to get to 10K followers on both platforms
To grow the Tough Girl Tribe to 1,000 - “TRUE FANS”
Continue to give motivational talks at schools, business and conferences to help spread the Tough Girl Message.
Be patient.
Help me hit my next podcast milestone!
Felling inspired week after week? You can do 3 easy things to help me continue to grow the podcast!
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes, so you won’t miss a single episode
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Share the podcast with your friends, especially if you think it could help them, and spread the #ToughGirlPodcast love.
Your support helps me continue to grow the podcast and do inspiring things in this space!
Already done all 3? You’re a rockstar! Thank you!
Want to do more?
Become a Patron and donate a small fixed amount every month to help with the runnings costs. From as little as $2 per month!