“I want to change the world, one race at a time” - Khadijah Diggs
Khadijah is Mother, Project Manager and a Team USA and Silver IronMan All-World Triathlete. Her mission is to Promote a Positive Image of Muslim Women and Islam in General through Sport.
Khadijah is currently ranked in the top 5% of her age group by Ironman Triathlon and is the first African American woman to represent Team USA in Long Course Triathlon and the first Muslim women to represent Team USA in any multi-sport event. The single mother of twins competed in her first triathlon in 2012 at age 43, and now aspires to win a national championship in the Master’s division.
Khadijah in her own words:
"Training and racing started off as my therapy to recover from a failing marriage and the loss of loved ones to cancer. It has remained that but has also become how I express myself and share who I am as Muslim, a Mother and a Woman."
Her GOAL is to open dialogue and connect women of all backgrounds on a personal level by sharing common experiences, joys and struggles through healthy living, group training and healthy competition.
"I have learned traveling all over the country and the World to race, that at the core, we are more the same than different. The struggles of motherhood and just being female are universal and it binds us as women.”
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Show notes
Who is Khadijah
Loving swimming from a young age
Running track in college
Getting her first bike for her first triathlon
Doing her first triathlon in 2012 at 40 years old
Coming 3rd to last, but loving the whole experience
Being encouraged and supported at the start of her triathlon journey
Figuring it out at the start
Reading books and looking at training plans on-line
Figuring out her method for triathlon
Increasing from sprint triathlon to a half ironman distance
Deciding to take swim lessons
The struggle of finding appropriate clothing to wear
ASIYA hijabs - https://www.asiyasport.com
Muslim role models in triathlon
Becoming a better athlete through making mistakes
Realising the importance of nutrition
The importance of planning for everything that can go wrong
What’s going on mentally during a race
Dedicating races to loved ones
Using triathlon training as a mental escape
Trying to get the balance right
Having all the equipment to train at home including an endless pool
Racing in Cuba
Nutrition and changes to diet to help balance blood sugar levels
F2C Nutrition - https://f2cnutrition.com
Looking at nutrition in a holistic way
Training during Ramadan
Magical moments from races
The power of mantra
Being an introvert and preferring the virtual settings
Social Media
Website - www.khadijahtriathlete.com
Instagram - @khadijahtriathlete
Facebook - @trigammalete
Podcast - https://anchor.fm/khadijah-diggs
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