Born the youngest of 6 children and raised in small town in Northern B.C. Canada, Julie never expected she would end up in Mongolia, feeding, caring for and educating hundreds of Mongolian children in need at her two Children of the Peak Sanctuary or Narnii Huuhduud charity kindergartens. She and her husband, Chelvan, a Mining Engineer and the President of Veloo Foundation, have lived and worked in Indonesia, Australia and The United States before settling in Mongolia.
During her 10 years here, Julie has taken up horse back riding and now, every year, with Saraa and Baagii of Horse Trek Mongolia hosts and rides the longest annual charity ride on the planet – The Gobi Gallop – along with a suite of other charity rides across Mongolia.
In 2022 she will ride the record breaking 3,600 km / 84 day Blue Wolf Totem Expedition to raise funds for her charity project projects.
All of the money the people pay for these rides stays in Mongolia and helps the children, local businesses, artists and artisans and local herders. Julie, herself, works running these rides and the charity projects on a volunteer bases. Since first riding here at the age of 50 Julie has logged in excess of 35,000 km on horseback across the wilds of Mongolia and all of it to help the children.
Julie is passionate about Mongolia and all things Mongolian and is committed to sustainable and fiscally transparent philanthropy. She is thrilled to be able to incorporate her love of Mongolian culture and history into Veloo Foundation’s Soaring Crane Summer Camp out in the countryside of Sonjin Boldog.
The camp is a traditional Mongolian themed camp experience in English and Mongolian alike and offers 3 paying camps a year in English to fund the remaining camps for 250 Mongolian children in need. In addition to the two Narnii Huuhduud Kindergartens and the Soaring Crane Summer Camp, Veloo Foundation also operates the Fran London Centre for the Fabric Arts.
Now 60, Julie expects to continue her epic long distance riding her in Mongolia and will continue making a difference in the lives of children in need as long as she is able.
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Show notes
Who is Julie
Being based in Mongolia, Central Asia for the past 10 years
Growing up in a small town in Northern Canada
Being the youngest of 6
Being fascinated with the idea of travel
Being stuck in hospital for 4 years as a child
The plight of the children in the garbage dump
Being terrified of horses growing up
Sitting on a horse for the first time at 50 and falling in love
Her life before Mongolia
The work the Veloo Foundation does in Mongolia
Moving to Mongolia in 2010
Dealing with harsh winters due to over grazing and climate change
Magical moments and how the idea for the Gobi Gallop came about
Using the Gobi Gallop as a fundraiser for the Veloo Foundation
Working with Horse Trek Mongolia
Taking on a solo challenge…
Riding 700km in 8 days
The Blue Wolf Totem Expedition happening in 2022 - 3,600 km challenge in Mongolia
The mental side of the challenge
Training with Sarah Cuthbertson - Ride Like an Athlete Program
Get back on the horse
Riding with a rockstar…
Having a weak moment in your endurance adventure doesn’t mean it’s over
Life in Mongolia and what it’s like
Starting a new project
Eating traditional Mongolian food
Learning the language
How to connect with Julie
Social Media
Veloo Foundation - Helping Mongolian children and families in serious need through a series of educational, health and vocational programs.
Instagram: @VelooFoundation
Horse Trek Mongolia - Ride. Explore. Help Children. We connect travellers to authentic Mongolian adventure . Home of the #gobigallop - 700 km / 10 days for charity!
Instagram: @HorseTrekMongolia
Personal IG: @JulieVeloo
Mongolist, Sharing horseback & other adventures with you all. LIFE PLAN= DO Good. HELP Children. KEEP going. No plans to stop… #AdventurerForGood
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