Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer who lives what she writes as a NASM certified personal trainer, USA Cycling certified coach, Pn1 certified nutrition coach, pro licensed off road racer, and All-American Ironman triathlete.
Selene has written, co-written, and contributed to more than two dozen books such as ROAR, Bike Your Butt Off!, and Get Fast! She is a frequent contributor to Runner’s World, Women’s Health, and Shape magazines, and has a regular advice column for Bicycling magazine called “Fit Chick.”
During this podcast we learn more about Selene’s early life, how she got into cycling and writing. We discuss the challenges of training for an Ironman and her top tips for mental resilience and balancing everything you have going on in your life. Selene also answers some quick fire questions and provides top tips and advice to motivate and inspire you.
You can listen to the Tough Girl Podcast on iTunes, Spotify & Soundcloud! New episodes every Tuesday 7am UK time!
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Show notes
About Selene
Early family life
Loving to ride her bike everywhere
Not having female role models growing up
Leaving high school and going to college and not playing sport
Studying and partying
Getting into publishing and writing
Being surrounded by incredible people
Transition into an Ironman
16 weeks to Ironman….
Hiring a swim coach & an ironman coach…
“The year I did everything right”
Not loving competition
Being goal orientated and liking challenges
Dealing with set backs
Being single minded
Balancing family, marriage, and training
2015 - starting to race independently
Moving into gravel racing
Mental resilience and focus
Being a co-author on the book ROAR
Meeting Dr. Stacey Sims
Tracking periods
What a typical week looks like now
Doing weights and yoga
Diet and nutrition
Life as an author and writing books about cycling and bikes
Racing with Rebecca Rush in Brazil
Dealing with frustrations via communication
Quick Fire Questions
Social Media
Website -
Instagram @FitChick3
Facebook @FitChickSeleneYeager
Twitter @FitChick3
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