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Ultra Runners Guests of Tough Girl Podcast (Part 2)

Elisabet Barnes - Ultra Runner, Coach & Marathon des Sables 2015 Winner

“The MDS is a magical race and I can honestly say that the two times I have run it (2012 + 2015), it has been a life changing experience in different respects. Whether you look at it as a fun holiday, a race, a trek or an adventure that has been on your bucket list for 20+ years you probably won't be disappointed. It can be as hard as you want it to be (or harder!) and it will likely test your physical and mental strength to the limits. The sun is ruthless, the terrain is brutal, the scenery is quite something and you will make friends for life.” - Elisabet

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Milly Voice - Ultra Distance Runner & Blogger

Milly started running purely for fitness and health, it was a means to an end and she’d go out, pounding the road and the pavement but never enjoying it. But that all changed when she went off road running.

Running no longer felt like a chore or just a means to keep fit. She found a real passion and love for it.

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Nikki Kimball - Dealing with depression & being one of the elite ultra runners in America

Nikki has had a phenomenal running career and she is a living legend in the world of Ultra running.

She has been a member of the US 100K Team from 2001 to 2006, she has won the Western States 100 in 2004, 2006 and 2007. She has also won the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc in 2007 and the Marathon de Sables in 2014!

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Ellie Greenwood - British Ultra Runner, who is a 2x 100km World Champion and 1st British women to win the Comrades Marathon in South Africa.

Ellie gone on to win some of the most famous ultra races in the world, some of her race highlight include:

  • Comrades Marathon (89km) 1st place, South Africa. (2014, 6:18:15, downhill course)

  • Western States 100 mile Endurance Run Course Record, California, USA. (2012, 16:47:19)

  • Comrades 89km 2nd place, South Africa. (2012, 6:08:24, downhill course)

  • IAU World 100km Champion, Gibraltar (2010, 7:29:05) and Doha, Qatar (2014, 7:30:48)

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